
Workshop – How the brain is stopping your goals

Topics that will be covered: 
– We’re you in life? 
– What are your goals?
– Why you want what you want? 
– How the brain stops you
– On habit building
– The way to success
10am – 17pm 
Lunch included 
Pricing: 297 euro  
Practical workshop that will teach you tips,tricks and tools to hit those goals.
Not only will you learn important insights in neuroscience, you’ll have a view on where you at and how to get where you wanna be.

The best you EXPO (2018)

Transform within will be represented  at the best you expo in Los Angeles – Long Beach.

Our stand nr: 522 

Speaking: Beat procrastination – it’s your time. 



The best you EXPO (2018)

Transform within will be represented  at the best you expo in Los Angeles – Long Beach.

Our stand nr: 522 

Speaking on: Beat procrastination – it’s your time!


Workshop @ The best you EXPO – How the brain is stopping your goals

Transform within will be represented  at the best you expo in Londen.

Our stand nr: 121

Wealth & Riches Workshop Room 5
5 March – 16:00 – How the brain is stopping your goals.


The best you EXPO

Transform within will be represented  at the best you expo in Londen.

Our stand nr: 121

The best you EXPO

Transform within will be represented  at the best you expo in Londen.

Our stand nr: 121